The Hurricane Watch Net will activate at 5:00 PM EDT – 2100 UTC Saturday afternoon, August 31st. Once activated, the Net will remain in continuous operation until further notice. Our frequencies of operation will be 14.325 MHz and 7.268 MHz. Operations on 14.325 MHz will continue as long we have propagation.As with any net activation, we request observed ground-truth data from those in the affected area (Wind Speed, Wind Gust, Wind Direction, Barometric Pressure – if available, Rainfall, Damage, and Storm Surge). Measured weather data is always appreciated but we do accept estimated.
From CQ: Please keep 14.325 and 7.268 MHz clear for hurricane-related traffic. Also, see the August issue of CQ (pages 54-55) for a comprehensive list of local and regional emergency and hurricane nets on 75, 40 and 20 meters. Avoid QRM - always listen before transmitting.
NOAA forecast track as of 8/30/19: