The Republic of South Sudan is the newest addition to the CQ DX Award Countries List, CQ DX Awards Manager Billy Williams, N4UF, announced today. It is #342. Verifications confirming contacts after July 14, 2011 (the date of its admission to the United Nations) are acceptable for credit. No award credit is available for southern Sudan contacts made during the 1980s and 90s.
The Republic of South Sudan
(Courtesy CIA World Factbook) |
The new addition will be reflected in CQ DX Honor Roll totals to be compiled near the end of September. The July listings will not include the new addition and will be based on 341 active countries. (See paragraphs 21 through 24 on the CQ DX web page <>. Note in paragraph 24 that "the Award Manager will allow at least 30 days between the date of his announcement and any Honor Roll revisions that reflect the new maximum count.")
Verifications may be checked by a CQ Checkpoint or sent to the Award Manager. Include return postage or SASE with updates if you send cards or desire a reply. Updates are accepted only via postal mail.
The CQ DX Award Countries List contains 342 entities including Kosova. Endorsement stickers for 340 are not yet available. When stickers are available, an announcement will be posted on the CQ DX web page (see URL above). As of this time, the International Telecommunication Union has not yet issued a callsign prefix block for South Sudan.
In addition, South Sudan will count as a country (entity) multiplier for the CQ DX Marathon, the CQ World Wide DX Contest and any other CQ contests that use country multipliers.