For consideration, a nominee must have used amateur radio in some
way that has benefited his or her community or encouraged technological
development directly or indirectly related to communications.
Nominees must be 19 years of age or younger, and reside in the United States
including Hawaii, Alaska, Canada, and Puerto Rico or any of the Canadian provinces.. The individual must also hold a currently valid United States or
Canadian amateur radio license.
This award is not a contest. The person selected as "Young Ham of the
Year" is judged on his or her overall accomplishments and contributions. Any
prizes awarded are secondary in nature.
For example, a youngster whose only claim to fame is that of being licensed
as an extra at age 5 would not necessarily be judged as having made a
significant contribution to the Amateur Radio Service. On the other hand, a 14
or 15 year-old Technician running a Net during a major disaster or whose
experimentation has advanced the state of the art in science, technology or
electronic communications would definitely be given consideration.
The deadline for submitting an application is May 30th 2015 and the
decision of the judging committee is final. To obtain an application, send a
self addressed, stamped envelope to:
2015 Young Ham of the Year Award
c/o Amateur
Radio Newsline
28197 Robin Ave.
28197 Robin Ave.
Santa Clarita, CA 91350.
You may also download
a form in Microsoft Word format by going to www.arnewsline.org/yhoty/ and clicking on the word "here".
Basic instructions on what documentation is required and how to file are included
on the nominating form.
Presentation of the 2015 Amateur Radio Newsline Young Ham of the Year Award
will take place the weekend of August 15 16 at the Huntsville Hamfest in Huntsville,
(Tnx ARNewsline)