The plans to drop WMA were announced
in an obscure blog six months ago but the AAC decision was not. No over-the-air announcements were made in advance. The result was that many users were suddenly
unable to stream the BBC and did not know why. Support for “on-demand” feeds is
expected to end later in the month. Limited support for podcasts, probably in
MP3, will go forward for an interim period before all MP3 support will also end.
BBC managers posting to one of their blogs have said this is
a cost-saving measure and an attempt to adopt state of the art technology. Users
haven’t been mollified and hundreds of critical comments have been posted on the
BBC web site. Some users have filed complaints with British regulators over the
unexpected changes.
The changes have cut off users of most standalone internet
radio devices (including very recent high end stereo receivers and Sonos
devices) in favor of codecs that work on some but not all smartphones and most
PCs with current version browsers and operating systems. Aggregation services
such as TuneIn, vTuner, and Reciva have been scrambling to substitute the low
quality and apparently unreliable MP3 feeds the BBC is offering instead. Most
devices for the visually impaired have been rendered useless by the
change as well.
Hardware manufacturers are also scrambling but many are unable or find
it prohibitively expensive to make changes to their hardware already sold or in
the pipeline. Most users won’t know how to apply the firmware fixes even where
available. For retailers, if the product can’t stream the world’s largest public
broadcaster, it has to be a big negative on sales in many parts of the world.
(Tnx CQ Contributing Editor Rob de Santos, K8RKD)