Bans on large gatherings around the world due to Coronavirus continue to impact ham radio events. The organizers of HAM RADIO Friedrichshafen, Europe's largest hamfest, have cancelled this year's show due to a ban by the German government on major events extending at least through August 31. The Friedrichshafen hamfest had been scheduled for late June.

In addition, the first Youth on the Air (YOTA) camp scheduled for the western hemisphere has been delayed until 2021. The weeklong gathering for young hams had been planned for late June at the Voice of America Museum of Broadcasting outside Cincinnati, Ohio. The in-person camp will be rescheduled for July of 2021. Meanwhile, organizers are working on possible activities that might be able to be conducted remotely this summer, from participants' homes.
Organizers of the Dayton Hamvention previously announced its cancellation for this year. The Tokyo Ham Fair was previously rescheduled until August due to conflicts with the now-postponed Summer Olympics in Tokyo. As of now, that August date is holding for Asia's largest hamfest.