IARU Region 2 Looking for Ideas to "Remake" Amateur Radio
The leadership of Region
2 of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU), which covers North and South America, is looking for young volunteers interested
in brainstorming ideas to "remake amateur radio for the 21st
century." Specifically, the group is interested in hearing from hams
between the ages of 18 and 35 who are willing to work together to develop
"possible ways to target specific interests that are either part of ham
radio today or could be part of ham radio in the future to recruit and retain
new amateurs."
Prospective volunteers are encouraged to send an e-mail to
<secretary@iaru-r2.org>, "telling us why you are interested in
volunteering to be part of this group, your current interests (in ham radio,
what you do: job, student, etc) and your thoughts on what may be done."