Thursday, May 14, 2020

FCC Introduces New Seal

We weren't aware that federal agencies routinely design new seals whenever they move their offices, but apparently that's the case with the FCC, which introduced a new emblem "(i)n anticipation of (its) upcoming move" to a new headquarters. The date of the move is uncertain due to COVID-19, but over the coming months, the agency will be spending our tax dollars to "incorporate the new seal on official stationery, business cards, publications, and other materials," the FCC said in a public notice.

In case you were wondering, the Commission says the new seal incorporates four elements:

  •  Communications technologies currently transforming our world;
  •  Four stars on the outer seal border, drawing from the legacy of the original Federal Radio Commission, the predecessor agency to the FCC;
  •  Eighteen stars on the shield, recognizing the current number of bureaus and offices; and
  •  The eagle and shield, identifying the FCC as an agency of the federal government.

By our count, there are four additional emblems/seals currently in use by the FCC. It isn't clear which, if any (or all?) might be replaced by the new one.