The introduction of Logbook of the World (LoTW) support for
CQ awards - beginning with WPX - has been delayed by the ARRL's need to devote
resources to the introduction of online DXCC applications (see below) and
explanations regarding its new DXCC fee structure. A beta test of the system by
a small group of amateurs active in WPX will begin at the end of April. ARRL
officials now anticipate a full launch of WPX support on LoTW by mid-May. We
will keep you updated as developments warrant.
CQ Communications, Inc.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
London Calling…
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(From RSGB website) |
The Olympics are coming to London this summer and two
special event stations will be on the air throughout the competition. Newsline
reports that 2O12L will be active from Eltham Place in southeast London,
operating all modes on 160-2 meters, while 2O12W will be on the air from Wales,
operating 160 meters through 23 centimeters, on all modes including slow-scan
TV and satellites. 2O12W will be located at Whitmore Bay on Barry Island. Both
stations will go on the air as of July 27. More information is available at
<> and <>, respectively. (Please note:
Those are "ohs," not zeros, in the callsigns)
Meanwhile, the AMSAT News Service reports that hams in and
around the Olympic venues will have temporary limits placed on their operations
on 70 centimeters as well as parts of the 2.3 and 3.4 GHz bands between June 28
and September 23. This will be to accommodate the spectrum needs of the world
media as well as teams themselves and visitors to the games. Specifics are
available at <>.
New Chief for Army MARS
Klinefelter assumed the position of Army MARS Chief upon the retirement of Jim
Griffin, who held the spot since 2009. Klinefelter is remaining in his primary
post and will be helped with MARS matters by a new MARS Program Officer, who
had not been named as of press time.
Ham Radio in Guitar World Cover Story
superstar Joe Walsh, who is also WB6ACU, is featured on the cover of the May
issue of Guitar World magazine. In the accompanying interview (timed to
mesh with the June 5 release of his newest solo album, "Analog Man"),
Walsh makes several references to amateur radio, including a discussion of how
the technical knowledge he gained as a ham has helped him work with guitars and
their sound. He also discusses introducing the prototype Talk Box to Bob Heil, K9EID,
who went on to manufacture and market them to rock musicians.
FCC Seeking Comments on Impediments to Amateur Radio Communication

ARRL additionally asked hams to share their personal experiences with amateur
radio emergency communications and with deed restrictions and so-called
"CC&Rs." The League requested that input by April 25 so it could
include the data in its FCC comments, which were due by May 17. The FCC's
report to Congress is due by the end of August.
No Restrictions on Specific Data Modes on 60 Meters
The following updates information published in the May issue of CQ and previously on this news page.

ARRL Introduces Online DXCC Applications

ARRL: Ham Ranks Keep Growing in Early 2012
Pop'Comm Monitor Registration Program Tops 1000
a little more than three months after its introduction, the Popular
Communications Monitoring Station registration program has signed up more
than 1000 participants. The program, modeled after the old WPE and WDX
registration programs of the 1960s and '70s, assigns callsign-like identifiers
to active shortwave listeners and scanner monitors. The magazine plans to
introduce awards as part of the program as well. For more information, or to
register, visit <>.
Google Introduces Morse Code E-Mail (on April 1)
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Courtesy Google |
an April Fool gag most greatly appreciated by hams, Google on April 1 announced
the introduction of "Gmail Tap," a combination of hardware and
software to enable people to send e-mail messages via Morse code. The system
would use special smartphones in which the usual keypad is replaced by two
buttons … one for a dot, the other for a dash. No word, however, on whether you'd
be able to plug in your paddles to send faster!
Japan Plans 5 Amateur Satellite Launches
Aerospace Exploration Agency announced plans in late March to launch five
satellites operating in the amateur bands … four of which are slated to be
launched from the International Space Station. One of the satellites, named
HORYU-2, was scheduled for a May 17 launch, so it may already be in orbit by
the time you read this. The others, according to Newsline, are slated for a
late July launch to the ISS, along with the JEM Small Satellite Orbital
Deployer, a device that will enable the launch of small satellites from the
station's robotic arm. The satellites scheduled for that launch include two built
in Japan - WE-WISH and FITSAT-1 - plus the TechEdSat from San Jose State
University in California and the F-1 satellite, built in Vietnam. Initial plans
call for all four to be launched from the JEM deployer in late September.

Multi-Cubesat Launcher Built by Naval Postgraduate School
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Vidur Kaushish, a student at the Naval Postgraduate School, works on the NPS CubeSat Launcher. (Courtesy NPS website) |
at the Naval Postgraduate School have developed an auxiliary payload platform
that will permit the launch of as many as 24 cubesats at a time. AMSAT News
Service reports that the NPS CubeSat Launcher is designed to release satellites
one at a time by opening spring-loaded doors at the desired orbital altitude. The
first launch, slated to carry 11 cubesats, is planned for this August. More
information is available at <>.
note: Success for either or both of these launchers (the NPSCuL and Japanese
JEM projects) would open the door for greater availability of small satellite
launches at much lower cost, since the costs would be shared among developers
of the different satellites sharing the launch.
ANS Co-Editor Dee Interdonato, NB2F, Silent Key
AMSAT News Service lost one of its two editors in April with the passing of
Dominick "Dee" Interdonato, NB2F, at age 64. Dee was also "Mr.
AMSAT" in the New York/New Jersey area, serving as the amateur satellite
organization's regional representative at hamfests, club meetings and other
events. Dee was a Vietnam veteran, and an amateur musician. He was retired from
the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, where he had been supervisor of
the Radio Shop. The family asks that donations in his memory be made either to
the Vietnam Veterans of America or to AMSAT.
Hams on 23 Centimeters Must Protect New FAA Radars
using the 23-centimeter band (1240-1300 MHz) need to be aware of a new generation
of radar systems being deployed by the Federal Aviation Administration that
operate between 1240 and 1350 MHz. The ARRL Letter reminds hams that the
amateur allocation on this band is secondary to radionavigation (radar) and
certain types of satellites, and that those primary users must be protected
from interference. The ARRL says it is in contact with FAA engineers to
determine the areas in which accommodations may be required to protect the new
Common Air Route Surveillance Radar system.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH, Named CQ Columnist
Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH, Named CQ Contributing Editor
Succeeds Fred Maia, W5YI (Silent Key)
(Hicksville, NY) April 17, 2012 -- Retired FCC amateur radio enforcement chief Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH, has been named a CQ magazine contributing editor, it was announced today by CQ Editor Rich Moseson, W2VU. Hollingsworth will succeed "Washington Readout" editor Fred Maia, W5YI, who recently became a Silent Key.
Hollingsworth, a ham since 1960 and a longtime FCC attorney, became a household name in amateur radio in 1998 when he was named Special Counsel for Amateur Radio in the Commission's newly-created Enforcement Bureau. His highly-visible enforcement actions were cheered by a vast majority of the amateur community after more than a decade during which FCC enforcement on the ham bands was virtually non-existent. Hollingsworth retired from the FCC in 2008, but has continued to be in demand as a speaker at hamfests and radio club meetings.
His new monthly column - to be titled "Riley's Ramblings" - will incorporate "Washington Readout's" coverage of legislative and administrative actions that affect amateur radio, as well as additional topics of importance and/or interest to CQ's readers, all related in the distinctive common-sense style that has made Riley a sought-after speaker. His first column will appear in the July, 2012, issue of CQ, and will explain why ongoing FCC enforcement actions since his retirement have been somewhat "under the radar."
"We are pleased and honored to have Riley joining our staff," said Moseson. "His stature in the amateur radio community is second-to-none, and his ability to explain sometimes-arcane legal and regulatory language in plain English fits right in with CQ's long-standing dedication to providing practical, useful information for our readers to help them get the most enjoyment possible out of the amateur radio hobby. I look forward to a long and fruitful relationship."
"I am delighted to have the opportunity to contribute to CQ and to amateur radio generally," noted Hollingsworth. "As a 13-year-old Novice in South Carolina nervously making my first contact with an overheated Johnson Challenger and a barely effective vertical, not in my wildest imagination did I think I would be writing for a ham radio magazine someday. I am very appreciative of this offer and I hope I can be a valuable asset to the magazine."
Hollingsworth holds a Master’s degree from the University of South Carolina, and a law degree from Wake Forest University. He lives in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, with his wife, Pat.
CQ Hall of Famer, Author, Bob Shrader, W6BNB, SK
Bob Shrader, a prolific author and 2004 inductee into the CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame, has passed away, according to his son, Doug, KJ6TEJ. Bob wrote many articles for CQ magazine and is best known as author of the authoritative technical text, Electronic Communications. No details were immediately available. However, Bob's wife, Dorothy, has requested that people who knew him send her letters of remembrance in lieu of flowers. Her address is:
Dorothy Shrader, W6ECU
11911 Barnett Valley Road
Sebastopol, CA 95472.
-- Tnx N1EA
Dorothy Shrader, W6ECU
11911 Barnett Valley Road
Sebastopol, CA 95472.
-- Tnx N1EA
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