If you were a reader
of CQ in the 1980s and '90s, you likely remember the many articles
on antennas and other subjects by Paul Carr, N4PC, a talented engineer with the
gift of being able to explain complex subjects in an easy-to-understand manner.
While never formally a columnist, Paul was a frequent enough contributor that we
had a CQ nametag made for him to wear at hamfests and other events. Paul became
a Silent Key in September at age 80. The following tribute and photo were
provided by his son-in-law, Bruce Cardwell, KI4BC: - W2VU
Paul Carr, N4PC (SK) (Photo courtesy KI4BC) |
Many of
you may recall some of the articles that Paul wrote in this very publication
reviewing amateur radio equipment, high frequency (HF) antennas (one of Paul's
true loves and areas of focus), circuits and software. Perusing the CQ back issue website,
Paul's articles and reviews span topics ranging from the “80 Meter Loop Revisited” and “The 40 Meter Fun Machine”, to linear
amplifiers and many other topics. Paul
was a ham's ham, with a keen intellect and a great sense of humor.
Carr was first licensed as a Novice Class operator, KN4OKY, in March of
1957. His interest in radio would serve
him and our nation well. Paul served
with distinction as a United States Army Signal Corps officer. In 1963, he was given a letter of
appreciation for arranging communications from Europe to the United States
for then-President John F. Kennedy so that he could speak with his family via
the U.S. Army's HF network.
the Signal Corps, Paul worked for the then Lockheed Corporation and the Bell
System, earning his Amateur Extra class license and his Professional Engineer's
license (P.E.) along the way. Several years after divestiture of the Bell system, Paul became an educator, teaching mathematics
at Alabama Technical Institute in Gadsden, and
earning his master's degree in mathematics from Jacksonville State
University, with an
emphasis on Boolean Algebra.
Paul was
a consummate ham, whose QSLs truly spanned the globe many times over. In later
years, he was a dedicated low power (QRP) operator. Paul maintained essentially
two ham shacks at his house in Jacksonville,
Alabama. The main shack, located in the basement and,
I am quite certain, borrowing from his phone company networking experience,
another, smaller “shack” located near his easy chair in the den, all accessible
at the flip of a switch!
Paul never
stood still in amateur radio. He was my
amateur radio Elmer, friend and father in-law.
Many of our fellow hams who knew Paul will miss him very much, as will
my family and I.