Born in Little Rock, Arkansas, Price spent most of his career teaching economics and finance at Georgia Southern University. After retirement, the school named him Professor Emeritus and emeritus head of the Department of Finance and Law.
In amateur radio, Price first joined the ARRL board of directors in 1973 as Southeastern Division Vice Director. He then became director, vice president and first vice president before being elected president in 1984. He held the post until 1992, serving simultaneously in the last three years as secretary of the IARU. Price was eleced IARU president in 1999 and served in that post for 10 years. Following his retirement in 2009, Larry was named IARU President Emeritus. The ARRL followed suit two years later. In 2014, Price was honored by the Dayton Hamvention as its Amateur of the Year.
Price was pre-deceased by his wife, Barbara Ann, and is survived by their three children and several grandchildren.