Three co-hosts of the iCQ podcast
have started a program to recognize excellence in homebrew building among hams.
Frank Howell, K4FMH; Martin Butler, M1MRB; and Colin Butler, M6BOY, have created
the Homebrew Heroes Award to "identify and highlight those whose technical
creativity has made a clear impact on the hobby." There are no
applications for the award; recipients will be selected by an anonymous
selection committee based on their impact on amateur radio.
Howell said the group had noticed
that many homebrewers are working with antiquated equipment. Therefore, they
sought out sponsors who are willing to donate modern test and construction
equipment to the winners. As of presstime, sponsors include Diligent, Inc., Siglent
Technologies, MFJ Enterprises and Heil Sound.
An announcement of the first Homebrew
Hero is expected in October.