Monday, August 12, 2019

SP9FIH, 3C0W, Honored With Cass Awards

Janusz Wegrzyn, SP9FIH, is presented with the 2018 Cass
Award by his sister, Elzbieta. (Photo from Cass Award
The 2018 Cass Awards were announced in late July, honoring Janusz Wegrzyn, SP9FIH, in the
single-operator category for the second year in a row; and the 3C0W Annobon Island DXpedition in the new unlimited category. The awards are sponsored jointly by Club Log, DXLab and the Northern California Contest Club to recognize excellence in DXpeditioning by operations that contact the greatest number of unique call signs.

According to the ARRL Letter, Wegrzyn was honored for his one-person DXpedition to Sint Eustatius Island (PJ5), during which he contacted 8257 different stations over the course of two weeks. 3C0W was operated by three Latvian hams – YL2KL, YL2GM, and YL1ZF. They contacted 18,812 separate stations during their stay on Annobon.