The ARRL board of directors voted unanimously at its July meeting to make minor changes to the organization's Articles of Association and By-Laws. According to the ARRL Letter, the changes bring the documents into compliance with current Connecticut law and clarify language regarding individual liability of volunteer and staff officers, directors and vice directors in certain circumstances. Changes to the controversial "code of conduct" for directors and vice directors were not considered. The Executive Committee had previously decided to set up an ad-hoc committee to develop proposed revisions, with its initial recommendations due this fall.
CQ Communications, Inc.
Sunday, August 5, 2018
ARRL Board Approves Minor Changes to Governing Documents
The ARRL board of directors voted unanimously at its July meeting to make minor changes to the organization's Articles of Association and By-Laws. According to the ARRL Letter, the changes bring the documents into compliance with current Connecticut law and clarify language regarding individual liability of volunteer and staff officers, directors and vice directors in certain circumstances. Changes to the controversial "code of conduct" for directors and vice directors were not considered. The Executive Committee had previously decided to set up an ad-hoc committee to develop proposed revisions, with its initial recommendations due this fall.