Friday, July 26, 2013

Large Number of FCC Experimental Licenses Issued

The FCC's Office of Engineering and Technology recently released a list of more than 100 experimental licenses issued between August 1, 2012 and February 1, 2013. Among them were four issued to radio amateurs - NO3M, N4LTA, WA3ETD and KB5NJD - for experimentation in the low-frequency ranges of 135-137 kHz and 460-480 kHz. Both of these band segments are being considered for possible secondary amateur allocations.

In addition, Lilee Systems, Ltd., received four licenses to use 217-222 MHz to work on Positive Train Control systems mandated by the Federal Railroad Administration (amateur radio has a secondary allocation on 219-220 MHz for point-to-point data links); and several major aerospace companies received licenses to use part or all of the 70-centimeter (420-450 MHz) band for various purpose>. (Tnx Television Technology magazine)
s. Amateur radio's allocation on 70 centimeters is secondary, despite its popularity for repeaters, satellites and moonbounce. The complete list of experimental licenses, including somewhat more specific information, may be found at <