Do you know a young ham who is already making a significant
contribution to the hobby or his/her community? If so, consider a nomination
for Newsline's annual Young Ham of the Year award. The award is open US and
Canadian hams age 18 or younger who have provided outstanding service to
amateur radio or to his/her community or nation. Simply being licensed at a
young age is not sufficient.
The 2012 Young Ham of the Year ceremony at the Huntsville
Hamfest. From left, Newsline's Don Wilbanks, AE5DW; CQ
Editor Rich Moseson, W2VU; 2012 Young Ham of the Year
Erin King, AK4JG (now a freshman at MIT); Bob Heil, K9EID,
of Heil Sound, and Yaesu's Dennis Motschenbacher, K7BV.
CQ, Yaesu and Heil Sound are corporate co-sponsors of the Young Ham of the Year award. (K0NEB photo) |
The nomination deadline is
May 30, 2013. Forms and
complete information may be found online at
http://www.arnewsline.org/YHOTY> or by sending an SASE to 2013 Young Ham
of the Year Award, c/o Newsline, 28197 Robin Ave., Santa Clarita, CA 91350.
is a corporate co-sponsor of the Newsline Young Ham of the Year award, along with Yaesu and Heil Sound.