Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Earthquake Exercise Puts Winlink to the Test

More than 100 radio amateurs in North and Central America took part in June’s “SoCal Shifting 2022” earthquake drill, a joint exercise involving the ARRL’s Amateur Radio Emergency Service, the U.S. Geological Survey, the EmComm Training Organization and county/local law enforcement. 

According to the ARRL Letter, the main goal of the exercise was to test the operational capability and readiness of the Winlink radio e-mail system. The 101 participating hams were asked to send a series of four messages, ranging from a “Did You Feel It?” message to a Field Station Report. The after-action report indicated that 76 of the stations sent all four messages, 16 sent three (most often forgetting the Winlink check-out message), and the remaining nine stations sent either one or two of the four messages. The LA Northeast District Emergency Coordinator said the test was a great success, especially since participants had been given only three days’ notice.