Wednesday, November 10, 2021

WRTC Announces Team Leaders and Qualified Competitors


The organizing committee of the next World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC) competition has released its list of team leaders and others who qualify to be team members. According to the WRTC 2022 website, there will be 50 teams, broken down geographically as follows: Africa – 3 teams; Asia – 8; Caribbean – 1; Europe – 18; North America – 13; Oceania – 3; and South America – 4. 

The designated team leaders will be able to select potential teammates from a pool of more than 270 qualifying amateurs. The competition, originally scheduled for 2022, was delayed a year due to Covid restrictions that limited access to certain qualifying events. It is currently scheduled to be held in and around Bologna, Italy in July 2023.