As you may be aware, it was previously announced by CQ that all results for the 2017 CQ World Wide DX Contest would be re-scored based on the return to the usual and accepted methodology for handling duplicate QSOs <http://cqnewsroom.blogspot.com/2018/05/2017-cqww-cw-contest-scoring-change.html>.
I'm pleased to report that the
scores have now been updated and posted on-line on CQ World Wide DX Contest Web
site <http://www.cqww.com/scorescw.htm?yr=2017&mode=CW>.
The good news is that there was
minimal impact to the final scores with no significant changes to the final
standings and only 40% of the total pool of logs affected at all.
Thank you for your patience as we
worked through this issue.