The late King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand, HS1A (From RAST website)
King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand, who held the
amateur callsign HS1A, became a Silent Key in October at age 88 after a period
of failing health. On the throne since 1946, he was the world's
longest-reigning monarch and was the patron of the Radio Amateur Society of
Thailand (RAST).
According to the RAST website, "His Majesty the King had
been presented the callsign HS1A by the Ministry of Communications at Chitrlada
Palace on August 18, 1989 in a ceremony witnessed by RAST officers. Five years
later, in November 1994, His Majesty placed RAST under his royal
patronage." The website ( also shows photos of
the king using a handheld and the 1989 ceremony at which his callsign was