Co-Sponsors Sought for House Bill on CC&Rs

According to the ARRL Letter, the bill was introduced jointly by Reps. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) and Joe Courtney (D-CT). It was referred to the House Energy and Commerce Committee, where it would first be considered by the Communications and Technology Subcommittee, which is chaired by Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR), who is also W7EQI.
Changes to Licensing Rules Effective July 21
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Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons |
New rules
regarding former hams wishing to be relicensed, and remote administration of
license exams, took effect on July 21, a month after publication of the FCC's
rulemaking decision in the Federal Register. Under the new rules, former
hams who held General, Advanced or Extra Class licenses and who want to return
to the hobby will need only to pass the Element 2 Technician exam. Once they
have done that, their expired license will provide them with credit for
whichever additional test elements they had previously passed. The rule changes
also authorize remote administration of amateur license exams, with details to
be left to Volunteer Examiner Coordinators (VECs), and give final approval to
the use by hams of certain type of Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) digital
modes. These had already been permitted under a blanket waiver issued while the
rule change was pending.
FCC Seeks 35 Percent Increase in Vanity Fee
The FCC is
proposing an increase of nearly 35 percent in the fee for issuing or renewing a vanity
callsign during the upcoming fiscal year. According to the ARRL Letter,
the current fee is $16.10 for a 10-year license term; under the proposal for
Fiscal Year 2015, it would increase to $21.60. The $5.50 hike is one of the
largest in many years. The FCC was expected to make a final decision on its
FY'15 fees in early August, with the new fees taking effect about a month
No Young Ham of the Year in 2014
For the first time in its 28-year history, Newsline's Young Ham of the Year judging committee declined to name a winner this year, citing the small number of nominations received. (The committee, on which CQ Editor W2VU serves, also felt that the nominations received did not have sufficient supporting documentation to permit well-informed decision-making.) CQ is a corporate co-sponsor of the Young Ham of the Year Award, along with Yaesu and Heil Sound.
Dayton Records Slight Uptick in Attendance, Number of Vendors
The Dayton
Amateur Radio Association says 24,873 people attended the Dayton Hamvention®
this past May. That's up just over 300 people from 2013's 24,542. In addition,
according to, which tracks vendors at the show, the number of unique
indoor vendors at the 2014 show was 260, up 15 from 2013.
FCC Closes the Book on K1MAN
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Internet screen grab < > |
The long and
winding road surrounding the renewal of Glenn Baxter's amateur license has come
to an end after nearly a decade. Baxter, who held K1MAN, was a frequent thorn
in the side of the FCC, which had cited him multiple times for a variety of
alleged rule violations, including transmissions in which he had a financial
interest, causing interference to other stations and failing to exercise
control of his station.
His license
expired in October, 2005, according to the ARRL Letter, but the FCC
deferred action on his renewal application, eventually designating it for a
hearing (in 2011), and fining him $10,000 for rules violations. Baxter did not
pay that fine, and that became the basis for the FCC's June 23 decision to deny
his license renewal, exercising its "Red Light Rule," which states
that it may dismiss a license application if the applicant has an unpaid debt
to the Commission.
Special Prefixes in Spain to Honor New King
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Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons |
Satellites Map Changes in Earth's Magnetic Field
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Internet screen grab < > |
Of course, six
months worth of data is not sufficient to draw any conclusions about whether we
are seeing a long-term decline in the strength of the Earth's magnetic field or
whether we are just beginning to be able to measure normal fluctuations in
field strength and density.
ARRL Centennial Station QSLs to be Routed Through Bureaus
The ARRL is asking
the individuals and groups that operate its incoming QSL bureaus to deliver
confirmations later this year from commemorative stations active for the
League's centennial celebrations. This includes W1AW/x operations around the
country, W100AW and ARRL headquarters staff station W1HQ. According to an
e-mail sent to the bureaus by Membership Services Manager Dave Patton, NN1N,
hams who want to receive their "AW" cards "via the bureau"
would need to sign up on a special web page on the ARRL website.
Halfway to the Brendan Trophy
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Internet screen grab < > |
VC1T was
transmitting 750 watts to a 43-element rope Yagi with a boom length of 30
meters (98-1/2 feet) with nearly 24 dB of forward gain. G4SWX's station is 3828
kilometers (2380 miles) from the VC1T transmitter site. (And you thought 2
meters was only good for local contacts!)
At the other
end of the spectrum, VLF experimenter Dex McIntyre, W4DEX, successfully spanned
the Atlantic in early June with signals transmitted on 8.971 kHz. According to
the ARRL Letter, McIntyre's transmission was detected in England by
shortwave listener Paul Nicholson, who was also the first to hear a
transatlantic transmission on 137 kHz, as well as a transmission from New
Zealand on the same frequency. (In case you're wondering, no FCC license is
required for transmitting below 9 kHz.)
FCC Cites Oregon Ham for QRM, Music, on 75 Meters
A ham in Sweet
Home, Oregon, has received a not-so-sweet Notice of Violation from the FCC. The
Commission alleges that Thomas Ryan, W7WL, maliciously interfered with other
stations on 3908 kHz, transmitted music on the same frequency and failed to
properly identify. He was given 20 days from the June 5 notice to respond. The
FCC reserved the right to take further action, depending on the response
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Alan Moller, N5ZCB (SK) Internet screen grab < > |
Satellite Roundup
The skies are
filling up with ham radio satellites again. Here's a quick rundown of recent
launches and other activity, courtesy of the ARRL and the AMSAT News Service:
* UKube-1 - the
UK Space Agency's first cubesat - was successfully launched from Kazakhstan on
July 8 and its first signals were received soon after its deployment. UKcube-1
is "hosting" AMSAT-UK's "FUNcube-2," which includes an
SSB/CW transponder and a CW beacon.
* A record-setting
37 satellites - including about a dozen which will operate on the ham bands -
were launched from Russia on June 19 aboard a single rocket. Among the new
"birds" is QB50p1 - now EO-79 - which carries FUNcube-3 (with a
CW/SSB transponder aboard), QB50p2 - now EO-80 - which has an FM voice
transponder, and the Russian-built TabletSat-Aurora, which includes an
experimental D-STAR "parrot" repeater (which records and then
retransmits uplinked signals).
* There were
conflicting reports at press time about the status of efforts by a group of
citizen scientists, including several hams, to regain control of and repurpose
NASA's ISEE-3 satellite, which was later re-dubbed ICE, or International
Cometary Explorer, which was launched in 1978. Attempts in early July to fire
the satellite's thrusters and put it in line for a stable Earth orbit were not
successful, and several news sites reported that the group was giving up its
efforts. However, other sources, including the ISEE3 Reboot Project's Facebook
page, said the group was not giving up and would try again to regain control of
the satellite in early August.
* LO-78,
Lithuania's first amateur satellite, will probably have re-entered Earth's
atmosphere and burned up by the time you read this. In early July, the
satellite's FM transponder was turned on for what was expected to be the final
time. LO-78 was expected to re-enter the atmosphere around August 5.