Cox first took the reins of the CQWW in January, 1977, along with Larry Brockman, WA6EPQ (now N6AR), who worked with Bob until March, 1994. In making his announcement to members of the CQ World Wide Contest Committee, Bob said, "35 years encompasses almost the entire history of modern contesting. All the way from paper logs to today's need for instant answers. During that time a framework was created that made the CQWW the innovator of almost everything used in contesting today including log checking." He added, "With that in mind…I am tired and wish to move on with other interests. "
Ross said the association had been long and fruitful, telling Cox "it has been an honor to have worked with you for these many decades. Your contributions to the art and sport of amateur radio contesting have been enormous. "
Cox's retirement is effective immediately. A successor has not yet been named.