Aerospace Exploration Agency announced plans in late March to launch five
satellites operating in the amateur bands … four of which are slated to be
launched from the International Space Station. One of the satellites, named
HORYU-2, was scheduled for a May 17 launch, so it may already be in orbit by
the time you read this. The others, according to Newsline, are slated for a
late July launch to the ISS, along with the JEM Small Satellite Orbital
Deployer, a device that will enable the launch of small satellites from the
station's robotic arm. The satellites scheduled for that launch include two built
in Japan - WE-WISH and FITSAT-1 - plus the TechEdSat from San Jose State
University in California and the F-1 satellite, built in Vietnam. Initial plans
call for all four to be launched from the JEM deployer in late September.