First signals have been received by JR8LWY reporting copy of the telemetry beacon as the satellite passed over Japan.

Please submit your reception signal reports on amsat-bb and via the mission's email boxes on < >.
AMSAT President Barry Baines, WD4ASW, observed, "Welcome to a new era as AMSAT returns to space with ARISSat-1/KEDR.
I encourage all hams, SWLs, educators, and experimenters to enjoy the unique opportunity presented by this mission to learn about amateur radio in space, enhance and improve your station, and hone your operating skills as you try out all of this satellite's features."
Barry continues, "ARISSat-1/KEDR marks a new type of satellite which has captured the attention of the national space agencies around the world for the unique educational opportunity we have been able to design, launch, and now operate. By designing an educational mission aligned with NASA's science, technology, engineering, and mathematics goals amateur radio operators around the world can now enjoy a new satellite in orbit."
- TNX Southgate and AMSAT