Friday, October 11, 2019

AMPRNet Owner Makes Donation to ARISS Next Generation Radio System

If you were active in packet radio and the internet back in the 1980s and '90s, you may recall that "AMPRNet" internet addresses – starting with 44 – were available for amateur radio-related uses (they still are). Amateur Radio Digital Communications, which owns and manages the AMPRNet domain, to sell four million of its 16 million potential addresses in order to fund a philanthropic effort to promote continued experimentation and development in the field of amateur radio digital communications.
Its first grant – identified only as "very generous" by the AMSAT News Service – recently was awarded to the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) program to help cover the costs of the ARISS Next Generation Radio System. According to the ARDC website, this new system will include "new amateur radio communication and experimentation capabilities, including an enhanced voice repeater and updated digital packet radio (APRS) capabilities, Slow Scan TV (picture up and downlinks) in both the US and Russian segments of ISS" as well as multivoltage power supplies to meet both current and future needs. ARISS says it needs to build ten new stations, two for use in orbit (one each in the US and Russian segments), two flight spares, three for training, one for testing and two for maintenance and troubleshooting work back on the ground. For more information on ARDC and AMPRNet, visit <>.

ARISS is also seeking donations from individuals for its Next Generation project. Donations may be made online via its FundRazr page at <>.