Thursday, December 16, 2021

Major Hamfests Plan Return to In-Person Gatherings

Both the Orlando Hamcation® and the Dayton Hamvention® plan on returning to in-person gatherings in 2022. Orlando will host the 2022 ARRL National Convention, which will also feature a day of "training tracks" prior to the start of the hamfest, according to the ARRL Letter. The four parallel training tracks will be Contest University, the Emergency Communications Academy, "Hands-On Handbook" and Technology Academy, all led by well-known experts in the various subject areas.

Dayton is also planning a return to an in-person hamfest after being cancelled in 2020 and 2021 because of Covid, according to Southgate Amateur Radio News. Nominations are now open for the prestigious Dayton awards - Amateur of the Year, Technical Achievement, Special Achievement and Club of the Year. Nominations are due by February 15, 2022. Details may be found at <>.