Thierry Mazel, F6CUK, who plans to activate Crozet Island (FT5W) for three months in late 2022 and early 2023, is cautioning DXers not to have unrealistic expectations.
According to the ARRL Letter, Mazel says weather and other nature-related factors will guide the setup and operation of the DXpedition. He notes that the wind blows constantly at speeds exceeding 40 miles per hour, with gusts over 90 mph, and that a combination of the island's volcanic rock and restrictions in place to protect wildlife and the natural environment limit antenna possibilities.
He also noted that the authorities are only permitting the use of wire antennas anchored to existing buildings, and that planners are still working on the "best solution for the best antenna possible." Crozet is #3 on the ClubLog most-wanted list, behind North Korea and Bouvet.