Monday, March 9, 2020

VP2VB Returns to the Airwaves

The original VP2VB - DXpeditioner Danny Weil.
(Courtesy Yasme Foundation)
Four seasoned DXpeditioners plan to set sail from New York on March 10, heading for the British Virgin Islands and returning the call sign VP2VB to the airwaves for the first time in decades. That was the call sign of legendary DXpeditioner Danny Weil, who was persuaded in the 1950s by then-CQ DX Editor Dick Spencely, KV4AA, to take ham radio with him aboard his sailboat, the Yasme, on his attempts to sail solo around the world. 

According to the Yasme Foundation, the current trip will focus on the low bands, with two stations on the air for six days. Operators include Martti Laine, OH2BH; Adrian Ciuperca, KO8SCA; Niko Halminen, OH2GEK, and Sandro Nitei, VE7NY. QSL via OH2BH; more details on VP2VB page on (See related story below about the 2020 Yasme Foundation Excellence Award.)