Artist's conception of Cassini spacecraft in orbit around Saturn (NASA image) |
ARRL Letter reports
that British ham Paul Marsh, M0EYT, has successfully received signals
transmitted by the Cassini spacecraft from its current orbit of Saturn. Cassini
was launched in 1997 and serves as an orbiting repeater for the European Space
Agency's Huygens probe, which is transmitting from the surface of Saturn's moon
Titan. According to the report, Cassini is currently making about two dozen
dives through Saturn's rings and is expected to crash into the planet in
September. Marsh monitored the 8.4-GHz signals with a 2.4-meter dish and a
homebrew downconverter.

A ham in Australia
is being credited with rescuing a satellite built by three universities in his
country and launched as part of the European QB50 project. According to the
AMSAT News Service, the I-Inspire-2 cubesat was successfully deployed from the
International Space Station in May, but did not appear to come on the air.
Engineers determined that the most likely problem was that its antenna did not
deploy and that a stronger signal than they could generate was needed to send
up new commands telling the satellite to wait until its batteries had recharged
before trying again to deploy its antenna. They asked the amateur radio EME
(Earth-Moon-Earth) community for help, and Rob Quick, VK1KW, came to the
rescue. He was able to work with the satellite's ground controllers to transmit
the new instructions, after which it appeared that the antenna was successfully
deployed and the satellite came to life!

Finally on the satellite front, a constellation of five
amateur radio cubesats built in five different countries was successfully
launched to the International Space Station in early June. Once deployed later
this year, the BIRDS-1 satellites will be part of an experiment in conducting
VHF/UHF communications with amateur ground stations around the world. The
challenge, according to the AMSAT News Service, will be to distinguish each
satellite from the others – they're all on the same frequency – and to hand
over satellite operation from one ground station to another. For more
information, visit <