Industry Changes Impact Hams
More bad news for builders: RadioShack has again filed for
protection under Chapter 11 of the bankruptcy laws, leading to the closing of
even more stores across the country. It is the retailer's second attempt at
reorganization in the past two years. A company news release said it will be
closing about 200 more stores and will be "evaluating options" on the
remaining 1300.
Another blow for circuit designers and builders is the
announcement in March by International Crystal Manufacturing that it will be
going out of business, most likely by the end of May. No reason was
given for the decision in the letter posted on the company's website.
Ham Radio Outlet (HRO) has closed its Sunnyvale, California
location, consolidating it with its store in Oakland, some 40 miles to the
north. National Sales Manager Steve Gilmore blamed skyrocketing costs as well
as traffic and parking problems for the decision to close the chain's Silicon
Valley location.