Commenting on its own petition for expanded frequency
privileges at 5 MHz, the ARRL in March told the FCC that its proposal comprises
the best balance between added privileges for hams and continued protection of
the 60-meter band's primary users. According to the ARRL Letter, the League said neither the final decision of the 2015
World Radiocommunication Conference nor proposals for more frequencies or
higher power than it proposed will meet the needs of all users.
The WRC-15 action created a worldwide secondary amateur
allocation on the band at 5351.5 to 5366.5 kHz, with a maximum effective
isotropic radiated power (EIRP) of 15 watts. The ARRL asked that the FCC add
those frequencies, but keep the four currently allocated channels that are not
in the WRC band segment, as well as the current US power limit of 100 watts
The League said reducing permitted power to 15 watts "would render
the band unsuitable for emergency communications, especially between the US
mainland and the Caribbean Basin during summer storms and the hurricane