Thursday, May 23, 2013

Open Space at Hamvention®

Shoppers at this year's Dayton Hamvention(R) noticed a
fair number of empty indoor booths, but there were only
16 fewer commercial vendors this year than last, and
the flea market was as crowded as ever. (CQ photo)

One of the first things people noticed at this year's Dayton Hamvention® was the number of empty booths in the exhibit halls. While the crowd of buyers seemed roughly equivalent to last year's (which the Dayton Amateur Radio Association announced as just under 25,000), the number of vendors appeared to be down noticeably. According to the Hamvention website, however, there were only 16 fewer vendors signed up for this year's show than last year's (245 vs. 261); but there were 41 unsold indoor booths, up considerably from last year's 18. The number of flea market vendors and spaces sold were virtually unchanged compared to both 2012 and 2011.