The first-place finisher was I44W, operated by UW7LL and VE3DZ (the only non-European in a top spot). Second place went to I43C, captained by DJ5MW and DL1IAO; and the third place winner was I49D, operated by 9A7DX and 9A3LG. Other top slots included: Phone - I43L (YU5EEA/9A3SMS), CW - I47M (F8DBF/F1AKK), Mults - I44W (UW7LL/VE3DZ), Youth - I43O (YL3JA/UR5YKO), and Accuracy - I43C (DJ5MW/DL1IAO).
CQ Communications, Inc.
Monday, July 17, 2023
Europeans Dominate WRTC Competition
FCC Considering Proposal for New Commercial Use of HF Bands
As traditional users of the shortwave spectrum move their operations to satellites and the internet, a group of businesses in the financial sector is seeking to use HF for high-speed, high-power data transmissions. The ARRL reports that the "Shortwave Modernization Coalition" has petitioned the FCC for use of multiple frequencies between 2 and 25 MHz with power authorizations up to 20 kilowatts.
While Newsline reports that the FCC says that the proposed uses would not impact spectrum used exclusively by amateur radio, maritime or aeronautical services, the ARRL points out that some requested frequencies are immediately adjacent to amateur bands, which could be affected by high-power digital signals. Comments are due by July 31, with reply comments open until August 15. The full petition may be found at <>.
Bill to Pre-Empt HOA Antenna Restrictions Reintroduced in Congress
A Republican Congressman from Ohio and a Democrat from Connecticut have jointly introduced a bill to force homeowners' associations (HOAs) to allow amateur radio antennas in the developments that they control. HR 4006 would remove private land use restrictions that prevent amateur radio operators from installing and using "reasonable antennas" on property that they own or control.
This month's "Learning Curve" column is devoted to the bill and recommendations for encouraging your congressional representative to support it. The full text of the bill may be found at <>.
Kees Van Oosbree, W0AAE, Named 2023 Amateur Radio Newsline Young Ham of the Year
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2023 Newsline Young Ham of the Year Kees Van Oosbree, W0AAE (Photo courtesy AR Newsline) |
A visit to a museum with an amateur radio station at age 12 sparked his interest in becoming a ham, Van Oosbree told Newsline. Studying on his own, he quickly earned his Technician and General Class licenses, then joined the Minnesota Wireless Association and developed his interest in contesting.
“HF was my life,” Kees said. “Contesting is pretty much my main thing in amateur radio although I do branch out and do other things.”
Among those "other things" is YOTA-Americas, in which he has taken on a variety of leadership roles including the training of youth operators, serving as QSL manager for W8Y contacts made with YOTA campers and sharing his interest in remote operating.
A 2023 graduate, and class valedictorian, of Heritage Christian Academy in his hometown, Kees will be attending Iowa State University this fall, where he plans to study aerospace engineering.
The YHOTY award will be presented to Kees during a ceremony at the Huntsville Hamfest in Alabama on August 19. Amateur Radio Newsline, CQ magazine, and Yaesu USA are primary sponsors of the award, along with Heil Sound, Ltd. and Radiowavz Antenna Company.
Young Hams in the Spotlight at Hamvention
The forum coordinator, as always, was Carole Perry, WB2MGP, who also presented the 11th annual "Young Ham Lends a Hand" award to 16-year-old Bernadette Wagner, KE8LWO, and Kees VanOosbree, W0AAE, age 19, who was independently selected as the 2023 Amateur Radio Newsline Young Ham of the Year (see above story). The award recognizes young hams who have "given back" in some way to their community, school, neighbors handicapped individuals, seniors, or to military personnel in need of assistance.
According to Carole, Bernadette’s dedication to recruiting other young people into ham radio, her involvement her local ham radio club, volunteering with the scouting community, her commitment to community service through her church, and her selflessness in helping her younger siblings are all examples of her outstanding character and her desire to make a positive impact on the world.
Kees, said Perry, is currently the QSL manager for YOTA Americas. He also handles public relations, scheduling young operators, managing logs, and recruiting operators. In addition, he is active in a Remote Ham Radio for Youth initiative where he assists all those who need help.
The Young Ham Lends a Hand program is supported by the Radio Club of America, Quarter Century Wireless Association, and Evan Rolek, K9SQG. Each winner receives $100.
Friday, July 14, 2023
Attendance Up at Europe's Biggest Hamfest
The annual "HAM RADIO" show in Friedrichshafen, Germany, drew a crowd of over 11,000 attendees this year, up 10% from 2022, according to Newsline.
The show, Europe's largest, had close to 400 exhibitors, according to the ARRL Letter, including 149 commercial exhibitors and international associations (including ARRL), as well as 243 flea market vendors, an increase of 15% from last year. The show's theme this year was "We're all about STEM!" (science, technology, engineering and math), and included many youth-focused activities.
JY1's Ham Station Donated to RSGB
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JY1 QSL card (Courtesy K8CX Ham Gallery) |
The ARRL Letter reports that RSGB is preparing a permanent exhibition of the JY1 station at its National Radio Centre at Bletchley Park.
Milestones: W5NYV Honored as a Woman of Influence in Engineering
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Michelle Thompson, W5NYV (Open Research Institute photo) |
The ARRL Letter reports that Thompson, a third-generation ham, has been licensed for more than 25 years. Through amateur radio, she told the Letter, " I was drawn to the vocation of helping people navigate difficult rules and regulations that impeded their learning and success."
Thompson is heavily involved in amateur satellite service regulatory reform and is a member of the FCC's Technological Advisory Council. She is also chair of the San Diego section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and founder of the institute's Information Theory Society.
Milestones: Bouvet Puts NF7E at the Top of the Honor Roll … and in the Newspaper
When Bob Wertz, NF7E, of Flagstaff, Arizona, received his confirmation for working the 3Y0J DXpedition to Bouvet earlier this year, it was his 340th confirmed DX entity, putting him at the Top of the Honor Roll for DXCC, and that put him in the local nbewspaper! The Flagstaff Business News ran an excellent article on Bob, DXing and ham radio in general. He was hoping that the article would draw prospective hams to the Flagstaff Hamfest (also mentioned in the article) on July 15.
It's good to keep in mind that local newspapers and internet news outlets are always interested in stories about accomplishments by area residents and can often be good ways to promote amateur radio. The article can be found at <> on page 14.
ARDC Grant Provides New Antennas and Satellite Capability for Museum Ham Station
A grant from ARDC, the Amateur Radio Digital Communications foundation, has allowed the radio club of the Vintage Radio and Communications Museum of Connecticut in Windsor to upgrade its antennas and add satellite capability to its demonstration station, W1VCM.
According to the ARRL Letter, the new equipment includes a high-gain antenna system with computer-controlled tracking and a satellite-capable transceiver. While the museum focuses on vintage radio gear, officials feel a modern ham station complements the collections and helps to reinforce the history that has led to our current communications capabiliites.
A New "OTA" – Scout Camps On The Air
There's a new "OTA" program joining islands, summits, parks, and lighthouses on the air … Scout Camps On The Air, or SCOTA.
According to Newsline, the goal is to promote amateur radio operations from scout camps, non-camp Scout-operated stations and everyone else who works them.
The program is the brainchild of Matt Murphy, KR8E. It isa still in the formative stages. Interested hams are invited to follow progress or contribute to it by following the group on Twitter <@SCOTA_k2bsa> or on Instagram at <scota_k2bsa>.
YOTA Camp On the Air July 16-21
The Youth on the Air Americas summer camp station will be on the air from July 16-21 and will be looking to contact you! This year's YOTA camp is being held on the campus of Carlton University in Ottawa, Ontario. Special event station VE3YOTA will be active from there, from the Diefenbunker Cold War Museum in nearby Carp, and from a two-for-one Parks On the Air (POTA) location. A contact with the International Space Station is also scheduled.
According to a YOTA Americas news release, activation of the VE3YOTA callsign will begin on Sunday, July 16 and conclude at 2 p.m. on Friday, July 21. Youth will operate the station as they finish projects, between sessions, and during free time. Opening and closing ceremonies and the ISS contact will be streamed live on YouTube. For more information, visit <>.
Youth DX Adventure Station W3Y to be QRV on July 29
After being forced to cancel its planned trip to Curacao due to the extensive delays in processing passport applications, the Dave Kalter Youth DX Adventure shifted gears and is operating this summer from a premier DXing location rather than a DX location.
The ARRL Letter reports that special event station W3Y will be operated from the K3LR contest superstation in western Pennsylvania on July 29. The team of 4-5 young hams between ages 12 and 17 will have the opportunity to work the world from one of the world's major contesting stations.
The Dave Kalter Youth DX Adventure program normally sends a group of young hams on a DXpedition each summer. It is sponsored by the Dayton Amateur Radio Association and named in memory of Dave Kalter, KB8OCP, who became a Silent Key in 2013.