The ARRL Foundation announced its 2022 scholarship grants in early July, awarding over $900,000 in financial aid to 139 young hams to help with college costs. This is up significantly from 122 grants totaling $564,000 in 2021, powered mostly by a $350,000 increase in scholarship aid from ARDC, Amateur Radio Digital Communications (<>).
ARDC is a foundation that supports amateur radio and digital communications and technology. As part of its philanthropic activities, it grants multiple scholarships, ranging from $5,000 to $25,000 each. In 2021, it provided 31 students with $400,000 in scholarship aid, and nearly doubled that amount this year, providing 45 scholarships valued at $750,000. Twenty students received $25,000 grants while 17 others received $10,000 each. There were also four $15,000 scholarships and four for $5,000 each.
Founded in 1973, the ARRL Foundation administers scholarships for more than 75 individuals and organizations, with grants ranging from $500 to $25,000. Other notable sponsors this year include the ARRL Foundation itself ($22,000 in scholarships), the W4NTO and WA8LOW scholarships ($10,000 each) and the Dayton Amateur Radio Association ($7,500). The complete list of 2022 scholarship recipients is at <>.