The Dayton Amateur Radio Association (DARA) has announced that the theme for this year's Dayton Hamvention® will be "Amateur Radio … Serving the Community." Hamvention General Chairman Ron Cramer, KD8ENJ, said this year's show will have a special focus on emergency communications as well as public service activities, such as providing communications during community events such as parades, runs, etc.
What it will not have, according to Cramer, is the
new exhibit building that was supposed to be built in time for the show on May
18-20. He reports that the prefabricated sections needed for the building are
backordered and construction is not expected to begin until after the 2018
Greene County Fair closes on August 4.
However, Cramer notes that
some additional indoor booth space will be available in the vacated furniture
building. He also says DARA is in the process of resolving last year's mud
issues in the flea market; that the flea market may actually have more space
than it did last year; additional offsite parking with free shuttles will be
available, and the talk-in station will have all new equipment and a taller
tower for greater range.