WSPR - Weak Signal Propagation Reporter - is frequently used on 630 meters to help with propagation research. |
Activity on the 630-meter
band (472-479 kHz) is increasing and propagation is improving as the sunspot
cycle heads toward its minimum, according to the coordinator of the ARRL's
600-Meter Experimental Group, operating as WD2XSH. The ARRL Letter says Fritz Raab, W1FR, reports that there are
frequently more WSPR (Weak Signal Propagation Reporter) signals on 630 than on
160 or 80 meters. "In a sense," he says, "630 meters has become
a mainstream ham band, in spite of not being authorized in the US."
The "sliver"
band is open to all hams in some countries as well as a limited number of US amateurs
operating under experimental licenses. The FCC proposed a secondary allocation
for US hams nearly two years ago but has not yet issued a final ruling. CQ will begin publishing a
quarterly column on 630-meter and 2200-meter operating in the April 2017 issue.