According to the ARRL Letter, the petition represents a "minimal but necessary change" intended to correct an FCC error made when it expanded the 75-meter phone band a decade ago. The petition also calls for moving the automatically-controlled data subband to 3600-3615 kHz from its current 3585-3600 kHz allocation, and for allowing Novices and Technicians to operate CW (but not RTTY or data modes) in the expanded General Class CW/RTTY/data subband.
CQ Communications, Inc.
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
ARRL Seeks to Shrink 75-Meter Phone Band
According to the ARRL Letter, the petition represents a "minimal but necessary change" intended to correct an FCC error made when it expanded the 75-meter phone band a decade ago. The petition also calls for moving the automatically-controlled data subband to 3600-3615 kHz from its current 3585-3600 kHz allocation, and for allowing Novices and Technicians to operate CW (but not RTTY or data modes) in the expanded General Class CW/RTTY/data subband.