Top CW score Plaque sponsored by Bencher, Inc.
Top SSB score - Plaque sponsored by the Collins Amateur Radio Club in Memory of Art Collins, W0CXX
Top Single band scores (10,12,15,17,20,30,40,80) Plaque sponsor wishes to remain anonymous
Top Continental scores - Plaque sponsor wishes to remain anonymous
An additional sponsor for top Digital Mode score is desired. Please contact the DX Marathon Administrator, K9EL, at k9el@dxmarathon.com if you wish to sponsor this plaque.
Please check the DX Marathon website (www.dxmarathon.com) for details on the new plaques and qualifying scores.
With the addition of the Republic of South Sudan to the DXCC list, CQ has also added the Republic of South Sudan as a qualifying entity for the 2011 DX Marathon. An updated score sheet (2011.4) and updated CQ Country Lists are now available on the DX Marathon web site.
The CQ DX Marathon is a year-long activity encouraging DXing on the HF bands. Competition begins anew each January 1st. Details are available on the CQ magazine website (www.cq-amateur-radio.com) and on the DX Marathon website.