Bouvet Island is the number two most wanted DX entity and the Intrepid DX Group is planning a DXpedition to the island in January 2023. A team of 14 hams plans to spend 20 days on Bouvet and is hoping for 14-16 days of good radio activity using the call sign 3Y0J, according to Intrepid.
The group also notes that the trip will be very expensive (over $760,000), and while the participants will be providing much of the funding, support from the DX community will be needed to make the trip a reality.
The Northern California DX Foundation and the International DX Association (INDEXA) are already providing support. For details, visit the 3Y0J website at <>. [Update: the DX column in the June 2021 issue of CQ will be devoted to the 3Y0J DXpedition]