In a March 10 letter to speakers and participants, the co-chairs of the International DX Convention wrote: "Due to concerns (for the) health and wellbeing of our amateur radio family, our
age group and possible compromised health issues; we are taking the side of safety and cancelling the convention. Even
though the percentage of COVID-19 is low, there are person(s) who have
the illness but mild form and have not seen a physician. It only takes 1
person to pass the
virus to a person with a compromised illness. We will be in close proximity of each other. Yes, the timing is bad, but all of your lives and families are more important."
On March 11, HamSCI Coordinator Nathaniel Frissell, W2NAF, announced that "it is no longer feasible to hold an in-person
HamSCI workshop this year...The
Science/Program Committee is discussing over the next few days the best
alternative plans for the HamSCI workshop. This may mean a form
all-electronic meeting using teleconference/webinar
services." As of March 16, plans are in place for all sessions to be held online via Zoom meeting software. Registration is free. Get details at <https://hamsci.org/>.