Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Milestones: KT1NA, N4PN, W4MPY Among Silent Keys

Christina Cunningham, KT1NA, General Manager of HamTest Online, became a Silent Key in October after a battle with cancer. She was 62 and was married to HamTest Online owner John Cunningham, W1AI. According to Newsline, when Christina told John she wanted to get her ham license, he offered to help her, but she declined, saying "I'm going to test and see if your course is any good!" Six weeks later, she passed the exams for Technician, General and Extra, all in one sitting.

On November 5, prominent DXpeditioner and contester Paul Newberry, N4PN, also became a Silent Key, after suffering a heart attack. According to the ARRL, Newberry was a constant participant and perennial high scorer in its November Sweepstakes contest.

We have just been informed of the passing last summer of Wayne Carroll, W4MPY, better known by a generation of hams as "The QSL Man." According to his son, David, W5QDF, Carroll had been in poor health for several years and closed his business for health reasons in 2013. He was pre-deceased by his wife, Lola, in 2018. They had been married 64 years. He is survived by his son, David, and daughter-in-law, Sonia, KF5ZRA.